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◆公益学研究科 公益学専攻 修士課程

◆公益学研究科 公益学研究専攻 博士後期課程



本学大学院 公益学研究科には、「公益学専攻 修士課程」と「公益学研究専攻 博士後期課程」を設置しています。
修士課程には、組織経営領域、国際関係領域、情報科学領域、地域共創領域の4つの研究領域があります。自らの専門とする領域を選択し、研究の柱となる学問への理解を深めるとともに、それ以外の領域の科目も履修(クロスオーバー履修)することで、学びの幅を広げます。研究の中心となる「演習」については、1 年次に異なる専門の教員2名から指導を受けることが可能です。




Outline in English

Graduate School, Tohoku University of Community Service and Sceince
Graduate School, Tohoku University of Community Service and Science  has a Graduate Programs in Koeki Studies (Master's Course)  and a Graduate Programs in Koeki Studies (Doctoral Course).
The master's program has four research areas: 組織経営領域 (Organizational Management), 国際関係領域 (International Relations), 情報科学領域 (Information Science), and 地域共創領域 (Community Co-creation). Students can choose their own area of specialization and deepen their understanding of the studies that form the pillars of their research, as well as broaden their learning by taking courses in other areas (crossover courses). In the first year, students can receive guidance from two or more professors of different specialties in the "Seminar" course, which is the core of their research.

In the doctoral course, students are supervised by a group of three faculty members.

Entrance Examination
There is a number of Entrance Examinations that applicants can choose to different criteria.
To be eligible to apply for the International Student Selection Examination, you must have Japanese language proficiency equivalent to N1 or N2 level in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. In addition, the applicant must reside in Japan after the admission procedure.
Applicants are required to meet with faculty members prior to application to ensure that there are no discrepancies between their desired research content and the guidance system and research environment of the graduate school.

Information up to date as of May the 1st, 2024
Number of Teaching Staff: 28 (Member of the Faculty Meeting)
Number of Students: 19 for Master’s Course, 1 for Doctor’s Course